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The Master-Canine Complex
A theory I’ve been kicking around in my head for a while is this: don’t dogs look like their owners? Could we be seeing a piece of...

The stench of Marlboro Lights made its way from the pulpit to the pews. As the rake thin priest gave his sermon, his stench wafted from...

The Crawl
On the week Jesse just turned nine months old, Dada got to spend the weekend alone with him. With Mama on a well-deserved friends trip, I...

Jesse was born ready to embrace life. I was the first person he saw, and I will never forget his fixed look–directly at me, taking all...

The Power of the Spoken Word
At the Presidential Inauguration, Amanda Gorman stood out. Among the politicians and celebrities, a poet who most Americans had never...

Her Greatest Creation
I moved to a new home a month ago, and just last night, put together a side table that was as sturdy and right-angled as the house...

The Luxury of being Lazy
We’re really such animals. Nothing is more arrogant than the theory of human superiority. We strut. We pout at anything that doesn’t go...

The Bitterness of our Perspective
I’m going to have a baby with wild wolves all around. He will hear the racist rhetoric, discriminatory remarks, the spews of hatred, the...

Walden Pond comes to mind at this hidden mountain shrine. The reflection of the trees with their changing autumn leaves. I'm brought to...

We speak a lot about change, but not enough about transition. Change is a broad and controversial term. Everyone seems to have an opinion...

Horses in the Desert
I woke up this morning with an image imprinted in my brain. It was the last visualization of a dream that felt deep and profound and of...

When I Went for a Run with Surgical Gloves On
Last Friday, cooped up in my apartment, I knew I had to get out and go for a run. A good friend of ours has gotten my wife and I into...

My bride
My bride My bride is the definition of sweet. My bride is authentic, honest, and kind. My bride is a smile that radiates, making my...

The Wonder of Insignificance
People gather in collective silence in a state of stupefaction to gaze at this waterfall, its ferocious energy somehow soothing, its...

Unless you go to a place, there is no way to really know what it’s like. Before going somewhere, we form pictures in our heads of what we...

Chopin in Warsaw
One evening in Warsaw, after a long day of visiting museums and memorials, I stumbled upon a Chopin concert. After learning of the worst...

The Krakow Ghetto
Here I sit in the center of the Krakow Ghetto. It’s impossible to convey the reality of what went on here, the horrors unimaginable. A...

I didn’t know what to expect when I first arrived in Poland. Would it be safe? Would I have enough to eat as a vegetarian? Was I going to...

The following is the first of a series of blog posts from my trip to Israel and Poland, an exploration into my family and cultural roots....

The Swiss Life
My summer trip this year was to Switzerland and my assumptions of Swiss culture were shattered immediately upon arrival. The Swiss are...

Pololu Valley
As we descend down the trail, the view of Pololu does not get any less spectacular. Cliffs jut out along the Pacific out into the...

It's Not What You Do
A friend of mine recently won his first case as a trial lawyer. He let everyone know on Facebook and received plenty of “likes.” But then...

One Reason to Be Optimistic About the Election
Everyone has an opinion about the election. This blog post is not about this writer’s opinion on Hillary or Trump. I’m more interested in...

Climate Change
On a flight to Tokyo, I read an article in the USA Today that had a profound effect on me. This little article, about the Pope’s...

Tsurumai Park
Sitting on the same bench where I wrote seven years ago, where I drank sake under the cherry trees with friends from around the globe,...

Be Productive and Get Some Sleep
What is the greatest issue facing the United States of America? Whatever came to your mind just then, I bet it had to do with something...

And so I write.
A soft breeze that rustles the leaves, a grill hardly used but told to be useful, the smell of dew, two aspens towering above in a green...

Exclusive Interview with Victor Vale
In this exclusive interview with Victor Vale, the narrator of The Last Book Ever Written, Victor tells us about his childhood, his...

Why I Wrote The Last Book Ever Written
When the iPhone was released, my best friend, always the first to embrace technology, brought it to my house. My friends and I sat...

In this prompt, we were asked to write about our ancestors: As I lay brick after brick, I remember how I got here. The languages going in...

Standing on a Corner
This piece is from a kids’ writer’s workshop. It’s intended for children of all ages. The prompt is: “Standing on a Corner”. Write what...

With the Stroke of a Brush
Rolling hills, olive trees, vineyards as far as the eye can see – this is the awe-inspiring view from Les Beaux, the castle overlooking...

When the Knicks had Patrick Ewing and Johnny Starks
I returned from an amazing weekend at the New York Writers’ Coalition, where I led and participated in writing workshops. I’ll be...
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